Sacred Soul Food: Spiritual Companionship

spiritual counseling, spiritual direction, spiritual guidance

Spiritual Companioning is an invitation to explore your sacred and unique journey toward inner freedom and wholeness.

Spiritual Direction, also known as Spiritual Companioning, is for anyone from any faith background, as well as for people who aren’t quite sure what they believe. It provides a rest from “doing” and offers an opportunity to reflect on your inner and outer life experiences and uncover what that experience is revealing to you. The practice deepens self-understanding and is for people who seek greater meaning and balance in life and want to better listen to and trust their own inner guidance. It is also for those who have been deeply touched by life’s events who’d like a compassionate ear and a gentle heart to listen to their sacred story.

In a rapidly changing world, Spiritual Companioning offers the gift of rooted support and can help ground you in your own unique, authentic inmost truth.

Welcome to SOUL FOOD, a place to pause for nourishment and deep support of your heart and soul.



The artichoke is a wonderful metaphor for a human life. Sometimes we are prickly on the outside and have self-imposed layer upon layer atop our wounded hearts due to our fears, mistrust, arrogance, or misunderstandings. The tough leaves of the artichoke must be peeled back carefully, but even they hold some sweetness. We too must take our time as we disassemble walls of the fortress that surrounds our tender heart, and savor the journey back to our center.



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